Friday, July 26, 2013

Mallard Drake Banking

Good flight shots are always nice to get even if it's just the humble Mallard. I got my lessons in "flight school" from the famous nature photographer, Don Jones with whom I had the absolute great pleasure of shooting with in consecutive Februarys a few years back. Don's an absolute master at the duck flight shot and his work has appeared in virtually every magazine that carries nature shots in North America and many big name calendar companies. You'd never know it from working with him though; he was just a terrific, down to earth guy to work with and he had no problem at all sharing his secrets. I owe a lot of my better work to what I learned working with Don.

This is a pretty nice shot, I think. The duck has a nice wing spread and the shot shows all its colours. As common as it is, I still consider the drake Mallard one of the prettier ducks in N. America. The background in the shot works well too.

As always, if anyone is interested in purchasing a print, please contact me at

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